Download Resetter Epson L360 program for Free. Use the guidelines shared in this downloading guide.
The Epson L360 is an all-in-one inkjet printer that is quite popular among users and also lives up to its name. It is designed for both home and work usage. Epson L360 Resetter or Epson l360 adjustment program printer is capable of printing a high volume of blank pages and high photo printing in a single ink tank refill.
Despite being a heavy-duty printer, Epson L360 sometimes shows the Service Required message on your computer screen along with a red blinking light on the control panel of the Epson L360 printer.
Most of these users think of calling an engineer from the Epson service center. But we assure you that most of the time this error can be resolved by using the Epson Adjustment Program.
This adjustment tool of the Epson is also known as the Epson L360 resetter tool. Primarily, this tool was launched by Epson to fix multiple issues with the Epson L360 printer without having any hardware repairs.
In this guide, we are going to share a link to download the full version of the Epson L360 resetter tool for free. The software that you are going to get from this link is the official software and you don’t have to crack the resetter Epson L360 tool provided here, as this software doesn’t need any key or any sort of password to be able to access the resetter Epson L360 tool.
This step-by-step guide is loaded with the download link of the program and the instructions required to use the Epson L360 Resetter Tool.
You just have to download the resetter Epson L360 tool and follow the steps mentioned below in order to use it. Below are the steps to download resetter Epson l360 full crack to perform an ink tank counter reset using this program.
Bonus Tip: How to Download and Update Epson L360 Resetter Tool or Adjustment Program
We suggest that you download and update the drivers of Epson l360 with the help of Advanced System Repair for ease. If you come across any kind of problem while connecting to or using the printer. Updating the printer driver will help you get rid of such issues and run the device properly. You can click the button below and download the driver updater tool to download the latest version of different kinds of drivers.
How to Download and Use Epson L360 Resetter Tool
First of all, reset the ink pad of your printer by using the Epson L360 Adjustment Program. After doing the Epson L360 Adjustment Program download from the above link. Extract the files of the Epson L360 resetter from the folder. Given below are the steps for the Epson l360 resetter free download for Windows 10 64-bit.
The steps for Epson Adjustment Program download and usage are as follows:-
1: Download the Epson L360 resetter tool from the download link.
2: Disable your device’s antivirus before moving ahead. You may turn it on again after completing the forthcoming steps. If you don’t disable the antivirus then it may delete the Adjprog.exe file by taking it as a virus.
3: Extract the Epson L360 resetter tool file into a folder. Use the password: fbdd for doing so.
If you don’t have an extractor tool then you should download WinRAR or other such software.
4: In the extracted folder of Epson L360, double-click on the Adjprog.exe file to run the program.
5: After all that, the first screen appears and on that screen, click on Select.
6: Select the Model Name of your Epson printer from the drop-down menu.
7: Select Port to which your Epson printer is connected.
8: After the selection of both the Model Name and Port, click on OK.
9: Then, Select a Particular adjustment mode.
10: At the Maintenance section of the list, select the Waste ink pad counter and then click on OK.
11: Doing all the above steps will open the Waste ink pad counter screen.
In this window, click on the Main pad counter checkbox and click on Check.
12: Now, a pop-up box appears saying Reading now…, don’t cancel this box and let the operation be completed.
13: After doing that, you will be able to view various scores in front of the main ink pad counter. The scores listed will be in points and percentage. Now, what you have to do next is to make some of these readings to ZERO.
14: Again, click on the checkbox of the Main pad counter, and this time select Initialize.
15: A pop-up message will appear saying “When the OK button is clicked, the counter will be initialized”. Then, click on OK.
16: Another pop-up message will appear saying Initializing now… and don’t cancel it.
17: A pop-up message will appear with Please turn off the printer written over it. Now turn off the printer and then click on OK.
18: The next pop-up message will appear saying “Please reboot the printer.”, after that Restart your printer and click on OK.
19: Click on Finish.
20: Then, you must check again if the Main pad counter readings have gone to zero or not. For doing so, Select the ‘Waste ink pad counter’ option available in the ‘Maintenance’ section.
21: In this upcoming window, click on the Main pad counter and then click on Check.
22: A pop-up will appear saying “Reading now…”, Don’t cancel it.
23: As depicted in the picture below, both the Main pad counter should show ‘0’ after the checking has been done. If it doesn’t show the zero then you have to redo all the steps right from the start.
24: Now, click on Finish to end the process. Then quit the resetter Epson L360 tool.
Now you can easily print your pages with the Epson L360 printer. The printer should show no more errors and be able to print the pages effortlessly.
Why the Epson L360 need to be Reset?
Like we have discussed above the Epson L360 is a heavy-duty printer built for printing a high volume of pages. For this, Epson has placed a huge number of sponge pads in the Epson L360 printer. These sponge pads are called Waste ink pads. When the printer cleans the print head after every printing session the waste ink generated in the process is absorbed by these Waste ink pads. When these pads start to get filled and eventually overflow then the printer starts showing different types of errors. In resolving these errors the resetting of Epson L360 is needed. We have mentioned the methods for Epson L360 resetter free download in the article above.
Epson L360 Resetter Tool or Adjustment Program Download: DONE
If you have an Epson L360 printer, we strongly recommend that you install the Epson L360 resetter tool on your PC as well. The Resetter Epson l360 free download is necessary because this program on your Pc can help you to save a lot of money that you would have spent on your printer maintenance.
In this article, you have learned about the resetter Epson L360 printer, ad prog Epson l360, and the directions for using the Epson adjustment program. Hopefully, you can now download the Epson adjustment program l360 for your Windows device. We hope that you have learned something from our efforts and enjoyed it too.
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